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24 Roses Red and White in a Wrap

145.00 د.إ

Discover the perfect harmony of passion and purity with our Harmony in Roses bouquet, a magnificent arrangement of twenty-four red and white roses, artistically wrapped to create an enchanting visual masterpiece. This bouquet is a symbol of unity and affection, making it the ideal choice for commemorating special occasions or expressing heartfelt sentiments with a stunning blend of roses.

With this magnificent arrangement of twenty-four red and white roses, exquisitely wrapped to create a dazzling visual masterpiece, you can experience the perfect harmony of love and purity. This bouquet is the ideal option for remembering important occasions or expressing emotional feelings with a magnificent blend of roses since it is a meaningful expression of love and unity. The centerpiece of this bouquet consists of twenty-four beautiful roses that combine the timeless beauty of white roses with the passionate attraction of red roses. This beautiful fusion represents love, unity, and the enduring strength of feelings.This bouquet is a potent representation of your love and awe, whether you’re commemorating an anniversary, sharing your true feelings on Valentine’s Day, or just showing your affection.


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24 Roses Red and White in a Wrap
145.00 د.إ
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